Welcome to JioID
The newer, smarter, safer way for all your digital authentications & authorizations
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Introducing JioID

JioID is a highly secure digital identity product. With JioID, you can log into any app or portal
without remembering different user names and passwords and also approve/authorize transactions.
The only thing you need is your mobile with JioID app.

JioID is being made available for Reliance group Employee Self Service "ESS" application first
and in the coming weeks subsequently this will be made available for all the Reliance group
applications and portals.

In beta-program JioID is available for select Reliance group employees.

To get started :
  • Download JioID app for Android.
    We are working on iPhone version and will inform once available.

  • Create JioID account by following the instructions in the app.
    You just need your Aadhaar card and 3 minutes to set everything up.

  • Link your JioID to ESS Portal and start using!

Download JioID app How to sign up for JioID How to use JioID How to recover JioID